Mozart 22
Lo sposo deluso - L'oca del Cairo: Rex Tremendus - Irrfahrten III
Distributor: C Major Entertainment / Unitel
Length: 115 min.
16:9 shot in Digital Video 25P / stereo & 5.1 surround sound
© 2006, a production of Unitel, and BFMI in co-production with Classica, in cooperation with the Salzburg Festival
Lo sposo de­luso
Op­era buffa in three acts K. 51 resp. 46a (1783)
Lib­retto: based on Carlo Gol­doni by Marco Col­tellini

L’oca del Cairo
Dramma giocoso per mu­sica K. 422 (1783), Frag­ment
Lib­retto: Bat­tista Varesc

The third Odyseey from the Ir­rfahrten- Tri­logy, "Rex Tre­men­dus" presents a thought-pro­vok­ing com­bin­a­tion of two op­era buffa frag­ments, "Lo sposo de­luso" and "L’oca del Cairo", along with vari­ous un­fin- ished pieces and frag­ments from Moz­art’s last work, the Re­quiem.
It rep­res­ents the artits’s ul­ti­mate lib­er­a­tion from the re­stric­tions and con­ven­tions of so­ci­ety, his farewell from the world, in total dark­ness.
Ann Mur­ray, Beau­ti­ful Voice from Afar
Mari­anne Hamre, Mas­ter of Ce­re­mon­ies

Lo sposo de­luso
Josef Wag­n­er, Boc­conio
Mar­isa Mar­tins, Eu­genia
Jeremy Ovenden, Don As­drubale

L’oca dl Cairo
Miljen­ko Turk, Don Pippo
Ma­l­in Har­teli­us, Celidora
Jeremy Ovenden, Biondello
Mar­isa Mar­tins, Lav­ina
Josef Wag­n­er, Chichi­bio
Cam­erata Salzburg
Mi­chael Hof­stet­ter, con­duct­or
Joachim Schlömer, stage dir­ect­or
Anaïs & Olivi­er Spiro, video dir­ect­or

Re­cord­ing dates: 30.07.| 03.08.| 07.08.2006
Ven­ue: Res­id­en­zhof