Mozart 22
Il sogno di Scipione
Distributor: C Major Entertainment / Unitel
Length: 148 min. 06 sec.
16:9 shot in Digital Video 25P / stereo & 5.1 surround sound
© 2006, a production of Unitel, and BFMI in co-production with Classica, in cooperation with the Salzburg Festival
Azione teat­rale in one act KV 126 (1772)
Lib­retto: Pietro Meta­sta­s­io

The genre of "Il sogno di Sci­pi­one" hov­ers between op­era ser­ia and ora­tor­io. Devoid of psy­cho­lo­gic­al de­vel­op­ment or even dra­mat­ic con­flict, it cen­ters on Sci­pio, who dreams of two beau­ti­ful al­leg­or­ic­al wo­men: For­tu­na (For­tune) and Con­stanza (Con­stancy). The two wo­men both try to win him over. Ul­ti­mately, Sci­pio has to choose one, and his choice fi­nally, is a sur­pris­ing one.
Dir­ect­or Mi­chael Stur­mimger has de­vised a light and witty sta­ging with artists from the Kla­gen­furt Mu­ni­cip­al Theatre. He trans­poses the ac­tion to what looks like a large suite in a lux­ury hotel. Gone are all traces of pal­lid al­legory in the de­pi­citions of the two wo­men: For­tu­na is a vamp and se­duces in re­veal­ing dresses; Con­stanza is the sens­ible house­wife and oth­er who, however, hasn’t for­got­ten how to turn on her man. Based on a lib­retto by Petro Meta­sta­s­io, like "Betulia Lib­erata", "Tito" and "Rè pastore", the azione teat­rale was com­posed between April and Au­gust 1771. Al­though it was in­ten­ded for Arch­bish-op Schrat­ten­bach, he died be­fore the work was com­pleted.

Blagoj Nacoski, Sci­pi­one
Louise Fribo, La Con­stanza
Bern­arda Bobro, La For­tu­na
Iain Paton, Pub­lio
Robert Sel­li­er, Emilio
Anna Kovalko, La Li­cenza
Carinthi­an Sym­phony Or­ches­tra
Chrous of Kla­gen­furt Stadttheat­er

Robin Tic­ci­ati, con­duct­or
Mi­chael Stur­minger, stage dir­ect­or
Paul Fen­k­art, video dir­ect­or

Re­cord­ing dates: 16.08.| 18.08.| 20.08.2006
Ven­ue: Great Hall of Salzburg Uni­versity