Schumann at Pier2
Director: Christian Berger
Distributor: C Major Entertainment
Length: 90 min. | 2 x 45 min. | 3 x 26 min.
16:9 shot in 1080i HD | stereo & 5.1 surround sound
© 2012, a BFMI production for Deutsche Welle TV in coprod. with Unitel, in coop. with Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen and Radio Bremen
The doc­u­ment­a­tion of­fers a fresh ap­proach to the sym­phon­ies of Robert Schu­mann with its prot­ag­on­ists Deutsche Kam­merphil­har­monie Bre­men and their con­duct­or Paavo Järvi. His ex­cep­tion­al ab­bil­ity to de­scribe com­plex mu­sic­al con­tents and oth­er cor­rel­a­tions in a com­pre­hens­ible and ex­cit­ing man­ner make a sig­ni­fic­ant con­tri­bu­tion to a bet­ter un­der­stand­ing of the sym­phon­ies.

"Schu­mann at Pier2" com­prises the com­plete Sym­phony Cycle of Robert Schu­mann. This cycle is not a con­cert re­cord­ing but is es­pe­cially per­formed for the cam­era which is al­low­ing more tech­nic­al and cre­at­ive free­dom in visu­al­iz­ing the per­form­ances. The ven­ue is a former in­dus­tri­al space on the har­bour side in Bre­men, the Pier2, which un­der­lines the work­shop at­mo­sphere and the eager­ness to ex­per­i­ment per­fectly.

Sym­phony No. 1 in B flat ma­jor, Op. 38 ("Spring")

Sym­phony No. 2 in D minor, Op. 120

Sym­phony No. 3 in C ma­jor, Op. 61

Sym­phony No. 4 in E flat, Op. 97 ("Rhen­ish")

Kam­merphil­har­monie Bre­men
Paavo Järvi, con­duct­or

For Fur­ther in­form­a­tion have a look at:­mann or
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Silver World Medal
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