Mission Mozart
Lang Lang – Nikolaus Harnoncourt – Wiener Philharmoniker
Director: Christian Berger
Distributor: C Major Entertainment
Length: 42 min. / 52 min.
16:9 shot in 1080i HD | 5.1 surround sound
© 2014, a BFMI co-production with ZDF/Arte in cooperation with Deutsche Welle TV and Sony Classical
In Spring 2014 the Vi­enna Mu­sik­ver­ein turned in­to a mu­sic labor­at­ory, a re­cord­ing stu­dio and in­to a ven­ue for a very ex­cit­ing en­counter of two seem­ingly very dif­fer­ent artists: Nikolaus Harnon­court, well-known as an in­tel­lec­tu­al mu­si­cian who came to at­ten­tion as a peri­od-prac­tice and Lang Lang, a su­per­star, a pi­an­ist of stun­ning vir­tu­os­ity and free­wheel­ing mu­sic­al in­stincts, to­geth­er with the Vi­enna Phil­har­mon­ic Or­ches­tra re­cord the Moz­art Pi­ano Con­cer­tos No. 17 K453 in G ma­jor and No. 24 K491 in C minor.

This doc­u­ment­ary is a re­veal­ing in­sight in­to the cre­at­ive pro­cesses of two of the most dis­tinct­ive and in­flu­en­tial mu­si­cians in the world today. Lang Lang says of work­ing with Harnon­court that "Every ses­sion with him is like a mas­ter­class. He just gave me everything from his heart, and that dir­ect con­nec­tion in mu­sic-mak­ing is the most im­port­ant in­spir­a­tion for me."

For Harnon­court, too, this is a stim­u­lat­ing part­ner­ship: "It's rare to find someone who is so open-minded." he says of Lang Lang. "I can only work with so­loists who are ready to de­vel­op a concept to­geth­er with me, and very sel­dom have I ex­per­i­enced a read­ing of the work that de­veloped so quickly."

Echo Klassik
Echo Klassik 2017
Category: Music DVD / BluRay Production of the Year (Documentary)
Golden Prague Award
Special Mention Award
2015 Golden Prague
Category: Documentary
Cannes Corporate Media & TV Award
Gold Dolphin
6th Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards 2015
Category: Art, Music & Culture