Attersee Klassik
Director: Carl Plötzeneder
Distributor: Servus TV
Length: 3 x 48 min.
16:9 shot in 1080i HD | stereo
© 2009, a BFMI production for Servus TV
Since 2002, the Fest­iv­al “At­tersee Klassik” takes place each Sum­mer at vari­ous loc­a­tions in the Salzkam­mer­gut. The Salzkam­mer­gut is a re­sort area loc­ated in Aus­tria. It stretches from City of Salzburg to the Dachstein moun­tain range, span­ning the fed­er­al states of Up­per Aus­tria, Salzburg, and Styria.

The ma­jor task of the Fest­iv­al is to bring cul­tur­al high­lights and out­stand­ing in­ter­pret­a­tions by world­class artists and one of the most beau­ti­ful cul­tur­al land­scapes to­geth­er.

This mu­sic film pro­duc­tion about the 2009 At­tersee Klassik Fest­iv­al is a se­quel series with three parts.

1. Will Haapaniemi: From New York to Aus­tria
This mu­sic film is ded­ic­ated to the young ex­traordin­ary tal­en­ted vi­ol­in­ist. Will Haapaniemi travels from New York to Aus­tria, where he­holds the post of the At­tersee In­sti­tute Or­ches­tra’s con­cert­mas­ter at the renowned Vi­enna Phil­har­mon­ic Or­ches­tra sum­mer work­shop. He plays mu­sic to­geth­er with the con­cert­mas­ter of the Vi­enna Phil­har­mon­ic Or­ches­tra, Al­bena Da­nail­ova and the bril­liant Aus­tri­an vi­ol­in­ist, Ben­jamin Schmid.

2. Così fan tutte
The film team ac­com­pan­ies three young sing­ers at the sum­merly op­era per­form­ance of Moz­art’s Così fan tutte dur­ing the At­tersee Klassik Fest­iv­al: the sop­rano Ka­ter­ina Tret­jakowa from Rus­sia, the Ca­nadien mezzo-sop­rano Lysi­anne Tremblay and the 24 years old ten­or, Mar­tin Mit­ter­rutzer from Tyr­ol can be wit­nessed dur­ing their pre­par­a­tions and on stage of the Berg­hof in Un­ter­ach / At­tersee.
3. Chris­ti­an Muth­spiel: “Dan­cing Dow­land“
The Aus­tri­an pi­an­ist and trom­bone play­er, Chris­ti­an Muth­spiel trans­lates the mu­sic of John Dow­land in­to the lan­guage of Jazz. The con­cert pas­sages fea­tur­ing Chris­ti­an Muth­spiel, Franck Tor­til­ler and Georg Breinsch­mid con­veys the cre­at­ive in­tens­ity and pas­sion­ate ex­pres­sion, bril­liant tech­nique, im­press­ive pre­ci­sion in en­semble play­ing.