Anne-Sophie Mutter
Mein Mozart
Director: Carl Plötzeneder & Christian K. Weiß
Distributor: C Major Entertainment
Length: 44 min. 13 sec.
16:9 shot in Digital Video 25P / stereo & 5.1 surround sound
© 2006, a co-production with BR, DGG, ORF and Unitel
The fam­ous Ger­man vi­ol­in­ist Anne-Soph­ie Mut­ter has been con­cen­trat­ing on Moz­art’s vi­ol­in pieces ever since the be­gin­ning of her ca­reer: she was only 13 when she played the G ma­jor Con­certo un­der the bat­on of Maes­tro Her­bert von Ka­ra­jan at her Salzburg de­but. In 2005 - in view of the Moz­art an­niversary in 2006 - Anne-Soph­ie Mut­ter met the chal­lenge to re­ac­quire Moz­art’s com­plete rel­ev­ant vi­ol­in opus (the vi­ol­in con­certi, the vi­ol­in son­atas, and the pi­ano tri­os).
Her great ef­forts com­prise a world­wide con­cert tour as well as the re­cord­ing of the pieces on three suc­cess­ive CD re­leases - a crit­ic­al en­deav­our that she has been dream­ing of car­ry­ing out ever since she first fell in love with Moz­art.
The film­makers Carl Plötzene­der and Chris­ti­an Weiß have ac­com­pan­ied Anne-Soph­ie Mut­ter at her work and ex­plor­a­tion of this spe­cif­ic rep­er­toire with their cam­er­as. The film also in­cludes inter- views with her mu­sic­al part­ners, Sir An­dré Prev­in, Lam­bert Or­kis, Daniel Müller-Schott, and the world-renowned vi­ola vir­tu­oso Yuri Bash­met.