Verdi 200th Birthday Spectacular
Live Webcast of CSO with Muti performance of Verdi’s Requiem Mass
Director: Michael Beyer
Length: 110 mins.
16:9 shot in 1080i HD | stereo
© 2013, a BFMI production for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association
Mu­sic Dir­ect­or Ric­cardo Muti, con­tinu­ing the great Itali­an op­er­at­ic con­duct­ing tra­di­tion, leads the com­bined forces of the Chica­go Sym­phony Or­ches­tra and Chor­us in con­certs cel­eb­rat­ing Verdi’s 200th birth­day.
The Verdi Re­quiem that was streamed live on Oc­to­ber 10 is now avail­able to view on de­mand at: or

“The greatest Verdi con­duct­or of our time was on fire, and so were the Chica­go Sym­phony Or­ches­tra and Chor­us.” – Chica­go Tribune

As of Monday morn­ing, Oc­to­ber 14, the web­cast of Verdi’s Re­quiem Mass, per­formed by CSO Mu­sic Dir­ect­or Ric­cardo Muti, the Chica­go Sym­phony Or­ches­tra and Chica­go Sym­phony Chor­us, and sop­rano Ta­tiana Ser­jan, mezzo-sop­rano Daniela Bar­cel­lona, ten­or Mario Zef­firi, and bass Il­dar Ab­draza­kov had been heard by more than 61,000 people around the world. More than 22,000 of those view­ers watched live via on Thursday night. In Chica­go, more than 6,000 people total heard the per­form­ance at Sym­phony Cen­ter, or at two loc­a­tions where the con­cert was sim­ul­cast: Mil­len­ni­um Park and Benito Juarez Com­munity Academy in Pilsen.
The concert was streamed live around the world on 40 websites, in more than 12 countries including Italy, Japan, Germany, France, Spain, the UK, Sweden, Austria, Canada and Taiwan, as well as on the CSO’s Facebook page. The webcast – a first for the CSO – will remain online at and for on-demand viewing for one year.

We are at thrilled with the results of this project,” commented CSO President Deborah F. Rutter. “To bring this beautiful webcast to people around the world, at no charge to them, is part of Maestro Muti’s goal to share classical music as broadly as possible. The response has been unanimously positive. We have proven that the nature of social media lends itself beautifully to a webcast like this; to have our network of fans of our great Orchestra share our music with their friends is extremely gratifying. This was such a special night in so many ways, and I’m proud of our Orchestra, Chorus, and of course, our Music Director, as well as the team that produced and promoted the webcast itself.”
Gi­useppe Verdi
Messa da Re­quiem

Ta­tiana Ser­jan, sop­rano
Daniela Bar­cel­lona, mezzo-sop­rano
Mario Zef­firi, ten­or
Il­dar Ab­draza­kov, bass

Chica­go Sym­phony Chor­us
Duain Wolfe, chor­us dir­ect­or
Chica­go Sym­phony Or­ches­tra
Ric­cardo Muti, con­duct­or