LA Phil Live
Dudamel Conducts Adams, Bernstein, Beethoven
Director: Michael Beyer
Distributor: Los Angeles Philharmonic Association
Length: 150 min.
16:9 shot in 1080i HD | stereo & 5.1 surround sound
© 2011, a BFMI production for Los Angeles Philharmonic Association
LA Phil LIVE is an im­mers­ive sight and sound ex­per­i­ence, fea­tur­ing full con­cert per­form­ances with the Los Angeles Phil­har­mon­ic led by its dy­nam­ic mu­sic dir­ect­or Gust­avo Du­damel, broad­cast live from Walt Dis­ney Con­cert Hall in Los Angeles. In-theat­er audi­ences ex­per­i­ence up-close and dra­mat­ic views of Du­damel and the or­ches­tra in ac­tion, cap­tured with mul­tiple HD cam­er­as and in thrill­ing 5.1 sur­round sound. Each broad­cast trans­ports audi­ences be­hind the mu­sic for an ex­clus­ive “back­stage pass” look at the LA Phil – in­clud­ing in­ter­views with Du­damel, world-renowned guest so­loists, and the or­ches­tra's mu­si­cians.
The Janu­ary 9 per­form­ance marks the LA Phil’s first ever live sym­phony per­form­ance series broad­cast in over 450 movie theat­ers across the U.S. and Canada. Hos­ted by act­ress/sing­er/stage star Vanessa Wil­li­ams, LA Phil LIVE with Gust­avo Du­damel from Walt Dis­ney Con­cert Hall fea­tures up-close and dra­mat­ic views of Du­damel and the or­ches­tra in ac­tion, cap­tured with mul­tiple high defin­i­tion cam­er­as and in 5.1 di­git­al sur­round sound. Each broad­cast trans­ports audi­ences be­hind the mu­sic for an in­sider’s look at the LA Phil via the “back­stage pass” fea­ture, which in­cludes live be­hind-the-scenes in­ter­views, re­hears­al foot­age and a post-con­cert Q&A.;
John Adams
Slon­im­sky’s Ear­box

Le­onard Bern­stein
Sym­phony No. 1, “Jeremi­ah” – vo­cals: Kel­ley O’Con­nor , mezzo-sop­rano

Lud­wig van Beeth­oven
Sym­phony No. 1 in A ma­jor, Opus 92

Jo­hannes Brahms
Hun­gari­an Dance No. 1 in G minor (en­core)