El Sistema Residency Salzburg Festival II.
National Children’s Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela
Director: Henning Kasten
Length: 124 mins.
16:9 shot in 1080i HD | stereo
© 2013, a BFMI production for Servus TV
2013 Salzburg Fest­iv­al:

"When I first con­duc­ted the In­fant­il Or­ches­tra 3 years ago in Ca­ra­cas, I could not be­lieve that chil­dren as young as 9 and nev­er older than 14 could not only play all the notes, but also could make such won­der­ful mu­sic. It is ex­hil­ar­at­ing and life en­han­cing. So I had no hes­it­a­tion in ac­cept­ing the in­vit­a­tion of Al­ex­an­der Pereira and Maes­tro Ab­reu to con­duct Mahler 1 with the In­fant­il Or­ches­tra (even young­er this time) at the 2013 Fest­iv­al. This is, quite simply, the fu­ture of mu­sic. Those of you lucky enough to hear the con­certs will see why." - Si­mon Rattle
George Ger­sh­win
Cuban Over­ture

Al­berto Ginas­tera
Dan­zas de Es­t­an­cia, Op. 8a
I. The Farm­work­ers (Los tra­ba­jadores ag­ri­c­olas)
II. Wheat Dance (Danza del trigo)
III. The Drovers (Los pe­ones de hacienda)
IV. Fi­nal Dance (Danza fi­nal "Malambo")

Gust­av Mahler
Sym­phony No. 1 in D ma­jor

Le­onard Bern­stein
Mambo (en­core)
Na­tion­al Chil­dren’s Sym­phony Or­ches­tra of Venezuela
Si­mon Rattle, con­duct­or
Jesús Parra, con­duct­or (Ginas­tera)