Des Knaben Wunderhorn - Folksong & Ultimate Artform
Thomas Hampson Sings and Talks About Songs From Three Centuries
Director: Laszlo Molnar
Distributor: Unitel
Length: 58 min. 57 sec.
16:9 shot in digital video 25p | stereo & 5.1 surround sound
© 2007, a co-production of BR, ORF & Unitel
"Des Knaben Wun­der­horn" [lit. The Youth's Ma­gic Horn, re­fer­ring to a ma­gic­al device like the cor­nu­copia] is a col­lec­tion of Ger­man folk poems col­lec­ted (and heav­ily re­dac­ted) by Achim von Arn­im and Clem­ens Brentano, which was pub­lished in Heidel­berg, Ger­many between 1805 and 1808.

Se­lec­ted poems from this col­lec­tion have been set to mu­sic by a num­ber of com­posers – per­haps, the most renowned set­tings be­ing those of Gust­av Mahler, which are per­formed by Thomas Hampson ac­com­pan­ied by the Vi­en­nese Vir­tu­osi Or­ches­tra and the pi­an­ist Wolfgang Rieger in the course of a one hour con­cert pro­gramme.

Re­cor­ded dur­ing the Fest­iv­al "Heidel­ber­ger Frühling 2006"

Robert Schu­mann

Jo­hannes Brahms
"Hüt' du dich!"

Gust­av Mahler
"Aus! Aus!"

Armin Knab
"Maria und der Schif­fer"

Wil­helm Kien­zl
"An ein­en Boten"

Wil­helm Kien­zl

Siegfried Strobach
"Don Juan"

Charles Ives

Jo­hannes Brahms

Gust­av Mahler
"Ich ging mit Lust durch ein­en grünen Wald"

Friedrich Hein­rich Him­mel
"Der Him­mel hängt voller Gei­gen"

Gust­av Mahler
"Zu Straßburg auf der Schanz"

Arnold Schönberg
"Wie Georg von Frunds­berg von sich sel­ber sang"

Al­ex­an­der von Zem­l­in­sky
"Das buck­licht Männchen"