Christian Thielemann conducts Pfitzner & Bruckner
Director: Agnés Meth
Distributor: C Major Entertainment / Unitel
Length: 100 min. 19 sec.
shot in HD 1080i | stereo & 5.1 surround sound
© 2007, a production of Unitel
On 14 Novem­ber 2006, the world renowned con­duct­or Chris­ti­an Thiele­mann was cap­tured live on screen con­duct­ing the Mu­nich Phil­har­mon­ic, of which he is also the Mu­sic Dir­ect­or, in Baden-Baden’s “Fest­spiel­haus”. True to form, he pro­duces a clear, power­ful rendi­tion of Hans Pfitzn­er’s “Palestrina” and Ant­on Bruck­ner’s Sym­phony No. 7, E Ma­jor.

Thiele­mann, a former stu­dent of the late and great Her­bert von Ka­ra­jan and a coveted guest con­duct­or in con­cert theatres all over the world, proves again that he is the reign­ing in­ter­pret­er of Ger­man ro­mantic mu­sic, and that the Mu­nich Phil­har­mon­ic has grown to new great­ness un­der his lead­er­ship.
This even­ing of tri­umphant tones has been doc­u­mented live by the film dir­ect­or Ag­nes Mèth. As a mu­si­cian in her own right and a former mem­ber of the Graz Phil­har­mon­ic Or­ches­tra, she is the ideal per­son to render a faith­ful ver­sion on screen of what the audi­ence ex­per­i­enced dur­ing the re­mark­able con­cert in Baden-Baden.