A Day with the West-Eastern-Divan Orchestra
Director: Agnes Méth
Distributor: C Major Entertainment
Length: 119 min. + 92 min
16:9 shot in 1080i HDTV | stereo & 5.1 surround sound
© 2007, a BFMI production for Unitel
On Au­gust 15, audi­ences had the op­por­tun­ity to spend an en­tire day with the West-East­ern Di­van Or­ches­tra at the Moz­ar­teum dur­ing 2007 Salzburg Fest­iv­al. The con­certs fea­ture young mu­si­cians and Daniel Bar­en­boim to­geth­er wih well-known artists and in many dif­fer­ent form­a­tions in a var­ied pro­gram. For Strav­in­sky’s “L’His­toire du Sold­at”, Patrice Chéreau is the nar­rat­or; and Wal­traud Mei­er, Dorothea Röschmann and Thomas Hampson sing for the cause of peace­ful co­ex­ist­ence that day.
1st Con­cert

W.A. Moz­art
Sin­fonia Con­cer­tante E flat ma­jor K 297b (app. C 14.01) for oboe, cla­ri­net, horn and bas­soon

Robert Schu­mann
From ”Myrthen op. 25” No. 8 Talis­mane

Richard Wag­n­er
From ”Fünf Gedi­chte für eine Frauen­stimme - Wesen­donk Lieder”

Ant­on Webern
Con­cert for nine in­stru­ments op. 24

Heit­or Villa-Lobos
Ária (Can­ti­lena) from Ba­chi­ana Bra­siliera No. 5

Ig­or Straw­in­sky
L’His­toire du Sold­at
2nd Con­cert

Max Bruch
Kol Nidrei D minor op. 47

Fe­lix Mendels­sohn-Bartholdy
Suleika (Ach, um deine feucht­en Schwin­gen) op. 34 No. 4
Suleika (Was bedeutet Be­we­gung) op. 57 No. 3

Franz Schubert
Suleika I (Was bedeutet Be­we­gung) D 720
Suleika II (Ach, um deine feucht­en Schwin­gen) D 717

Richard Strauss
Wer wird von der Welt ver­lan­gen op. 67 No. 4

Hugo Wolf
Er­schaf­fen und Beleben

Pierre Boulez
Mémori­al (... ex­plosate-fixe…Ori­ginel)

Franz Schubert
Quin­tet for pi­ano, vi­ol­in, vi­ola, vi­ol­on­cello and double bass, A ma­jor D 667 – op. posth. 114 (Forel­len­quin­tett)