Bartabas' Mozart Requiem
Director: Andy Sommer
Distributor: C Major Entertainment
Length: 52 min.
16:9 shot in HD-Cam
© 2017, a BFMI production for Unitel in co-production with Arte G.E.I.E. & ORF, in association with Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg

Mozart’s Requiem in the magnif­i­cent eques­trian choreog­raphy by the French rid­er and the­atre di­rector Bartabas with his team from the Académie équestre de Versailles.

The production in the Felsenre­itschule of Mozart’s cantata Da­vide pen­i­tente by the French eques­trian artist and stage di­rector Bartabas performed by hors­es and rid­ers from the Académie équestre de Versailles, with Marc Minkowski con­ducting Les Mu­siciens du Louvre was the absolute high­light of the Mozart Week 2015. Based on the expe­ri­ence gained then, Bartabas returns to Salzburg with his no­ble hors­es for the Mozart Week 2017 to present one of the most popular and at the same time most profound and sublime cre­ations by Mozart in a new scenic con­text: the Requiem, sung by the Salzburg Bach Choir, the soloists Genia Kühmei­er, Elisabeth Kulmann, Julien Behr and Charles Dekeys­er togeth­er with Les Mu­siciens du Louvre con­ducted by Marc Minkowski. The Mozart Week 2017 is the last one planned by Marc Minkowski in his po­sition as artis­tic di­rector.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
"Mis­erere" in A minor, K.85/73s

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Requiem in D minor, K.626

George Frid­eric Handel
From the "Fu­neral Anthem for Queen Car­o­line" (The ways of Zion do mourn), HWV 264

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
"Ave verum corpus" motet in D major, K.618

Bartabas, di­rector & choreog­ra­pher
Académie Équestre de Versailles
Marc Minkowski, con­ductor
Les Mu­siciens de Louvre Greno­ble
Genia Kühmei­er, sopra­no
Elisabeth Kulmann, mezzo-sopra­no
Julien Behr, tenor
Charles Dekeys­er, bass
Salzburg­er Bachchor
Alois Glassner, cho­rus mas­ter

Bertrand Coud­erc, light­ing designer

Bartabas, Emmanuel Dard­enne, Clé­men­tine Marguerat, Mai­lys Frougneux, Laure Guillaume, Math­ias Lyon, Zoé San Mar­tin, Emmanuelle San­ti­ni, Ém­i­lie Tal­let, Charlotte Tura

Sou­tine, Adagio, Balestra, Botero, Chagall, Passa di Sotto, Quilate, Uc­cello, Vivace, Mer­cure, Neptune, Vénus